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Thursday, October 30, 2014

DP Denman on What She Wishes She Knew About Being an Author @DPDenman #SelfPub #AmWriting

What I Wish I Knew About Being an Author I Didn’t Know Before

Books don’t sell themselves! Indy or traditionally published, you hit the best-seller lists by putting equal effort into craft, writing, and marketing. The days of writing books and letting your publisher do most of the promotion are over. In order to be successful, authors must devote at least as much time to marketing as they do writing. If I had realized I needed to be a marketing expert before I got into publishing I would have spent more time studying it in advance.

I have learned a lot in the last year but I still feel as if I haven’t learned enough to be useful. I’m starting to employ marketing experts and letting them teach me the things too complicated to pick up on my own. Thankfully, a publishing career isn’t made in a single year. I have time to learn how to make myself more visible in an overcrowded market and at some point those efforts will pay off even if it doesn’t happen right away.


Buried lies never die.

Liam has a new career, a new condo, a newfound sense of control and none of it is quite right. Shadows drift behind the bright sparkle of his life; things he's determined to ignore until a shocking revelation makes it impossible. With the help of Justin and a new friend, Liam must face the life he's buried.

Buy Now @ Amazon
Genre - Contemporary Gay Romance
Rating – R
More details about the author
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