Is your family supportive? Do your friends support you?
My family was not very happy, I think, that I was writing this episode from my life. They were against my transition from the Jewish faith to Christianity. Later, they thought me hasty in marrying the man I felt God had for me, just a year after meeting him.
Do you plan to publish more books?
Oh, yes. I have recently launched, where we hone and share our Christian testimonies. I intend to turn the Workbook for the Write Your Christian Testimony course that I run into a full-length book on sharing your testimony. I am also working on a novel about a young girl who finds she has an unsuspected birth mother, a Holocaust survivor.
What other jobs have you had in your life?
I used to have a business in the UK record industry, a service that provided womb-to-tomb manufacturing for indie record labels and overflow for major companies. Its speciality was vinyl pressing. It did very well for more than two decades. Downloads and 5 years of sickness, including breast cancer, killed it off. I was sad but also free to write…
If you could study any subject at university what would you pick?
I’ve done a number of surface arts courses. I’d love to do a degree in art.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
I divide my time between my native UK and Canada. I’ve lived in many places. These two make me happy.
How do you write – lap top, pen, paper, in bed, at a desk?
I have tried to write by dictating. It doesn’t work for me. Laptop is best for actual writing. Drafting goes on for the longest time in my head and then gets noted down on scraps of paper that I have trouble deciphering afterwards.
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Genre - Faith Memoir
Rating – PG
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