What are you most proud of in your personal life?
I would have to say my children, definitely. They are known to be very kind hearted and friendly kids. They have a lot of friends, and they are wonderful about giving advice when their friends need it. They do the right thing, and I’m very proud of them.
Who is your favorite author?
I don’t really have one favorite author, but I do enjoy reading things by Jamie McGuire, Marie Force and Bella Andre. Of course, there are numerous others that I like to read, but it’s hard to choose just one!
What genre of books do you adore?
I’m still a sucker for a sweet romance. I also enjoy reading new adult romance, and I write some of that myself. Any book I read has to have some element of romance or I have a hard time letting it hold my interest.
Are there any books you really don’t enjoy?
Yes. I’m not a big fan of horror or science fiction. These just aren’t genres that I enjoy reading books or movies usually. The exception to that would be Hugh Howey’s “Wool” series because I did enjoy that.
How did you develop your writing?
There were several things I did to develop my writing, and it continues developing every time. The first thing is just writing as much as possible. You can’t get better without practice. I also read a lot of other authors in my genre because that tells me what readers like. In addition, I’ve done some courses on writing over the years as well.
Where do you get your inspiration from?
I get it from all kinds of places including the people around me and even news stories. I never take a story and turn it into a book, but sometimes elements of the story would be an interesting scene or section of a book. Often, I base it upon questions that I have like “what if” this happened or that happened.
What marketing works for you?
Most of my marketing is done on social media, so I guess that is what works best for me. I love chatting with my readers, and I talk to them daily. I think that goes further than just about anything else you could do because building a relationship with your readers is critically important.
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Genre - New Adult Romance
Rating – R
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