Marilyn Holdsworth

Broken Pieces - Rachel Thompson

Friday, August 2, 2013

Author Interview – Kachina Riley

Did writing this book teach you anything, and what was it? Absolutely.  It taught me to be patient with myself, allowed me to be emotional, and guided me through some pent up psychological struggles left over from my childhood.

Can you share a little of your current work with us? My follow-up memoir that I am currently working on relates to my world travels, which include my travel experiences in approximately 30 countries.  I am writing about my travels as I continue to travel internationally.

Who is your publisher? CHB Media from New Smyrna, Fla.

What was the hardest part of writing your book? The most difficult part of writing Tattered Phoenix was emotionally charged re-experiencing a very troubled childhood.  Because of this I had periods where I did not write because it was too painful to go back to that current subject.  As I coped with this over time, I was able ultimately to get the book finished.

How much of the book is realistic? Since the book is my memoirs, the writing comes from my own childhood memories.


Buy Now @ Amazon

Genre – Memoir

Rating – PG13

Connect with Kachina Riley on her website



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